Monitor Graphic Tool


To increase the production value of shows by using more topical monitor graphics. 


Develop a tool that will allow Editorial to create their own monitor graphics to help with an
increased workload. The tool needed to be flexible enough for the user to create unique graphics, yet simple enough for a non-designer’s to use.


  • Ability to use headshot image
  • Ability to use background image
  • Ability for user to change the position and scale of headshot and background images.
  • Ability to use various font styles
  • Ability to highlight words
  • Ability to scale text for emphasis
  • Ability to add vignette to graphic
  • Ability to overlay textures over graphics

I ordered options to mimic the steps a graphic designer logically uses when building a similar
graphic: creating artwork, entering information, styling information, and polishing graphic.


  1. User creates the focal image and background.
  2.  User enters text for full screen.
  3. User highlights and scales text.
  4. User chooses from various color schemes.
  5. User selects style of text.
  6. User sets position of text (left, right).